Is Design Dead?

Today I will talk about the article Is Design Dead? by Martin Fowler (May, 2004).
I think it is important to design first and then code, this will avoid the code and fix. Also, the quote that says “if you listen to your code a good design will appear” it doesn’t make sense. It is very interesting to know that there are two styles of design.
    The most common and disastrous is Evolutionary Design, as the design of the system grows as the system is implemented, this style makes it difficult to change the system. On the other hand, we have the Planned Design, here the designers don't need to write code because they aren't building the software, they are designing it, in this way, they avoid entropy by making decisions and carrying out the development of the software.
    Although the second style is much better, it still has faults, not designing and coding at the same time, it can introduce complex problems in the programming stage. The other fault, which I found quite interesting, is that the designers do not codify more outdated technological issues and lose respect for those who code.
    Designing a system can be a very heavy and one of the most difficult tasks, since that is where the structure and components of the software should be planned, and it is often very difficult to have future projections about what is missing or many factors that can completely modify the design, such as the requirements, those that can be adapted in a certain way or even with a good requirements survey, can avoid the changes in the requirements, but what if something changes the business it would be more difficult and can not be prevented.


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